10 Things Every Homeowner Should Upon Moving In

Once the keys to your new house are handed over, the moving you feel is a highly exhilarating one. But this is replaced by a feeling of overwhelming uncertainty, now that you have just bought your own home. Although you may be confused and don’t know what to do next, don’t worry; it happens to all of us.

To give you a better understanding of homeownership, here are 10 things that every homeowner should do upon moving in.

1. Change the Locks

Although it may seem like a minor thing to do, it is one of the most important tasks that comes with homeownership. Previous owners or service personnel may still have keys to your house, leaving you vulnerable to outsiders. When the locks are changed, it ensures that your belongings are safe and secure. It is recommended to change all the locks, including garage, internal door, and window locks.

2. Complete a Home Maintenance Inspection

Completely inspecting your home is essential. Failing to do so can result in immediate and costly repairs. It is recommended to inspect plumbing, walls, ceilings, electric wiring, windows and more. Make sure that you have a repair expert examine the more technical elements of your home, like the HVAC system and wiring.

3. Create a Home Inventory

Documenting all the items you possess in your new home is not just important for insurance, but also helps to ensure that you have all your belongings in the right place. Create a list of all your furniture, appliances, electronics, and other items before, during, and after your move.

4. Changes Your Address

You must go through the process of updating your address with government offices and other organisations. Also, make sure to redirect your mail and update all your accounts.

5. Secure Your Home

Make sure to put safety and security as a priority. Install a home security system and set it up for control over your home electronics. If applicable, consider installing quite alarms, motion detectors, smoke and fire detectors, and space heaters.

6. Check Your Home’s Insulation

Check the insulation in your home and consider replacing them. Your insulation should be your home’s first defense against the natural elements. Inspect your attic, exterior walls and crawlspaces, and if need be, replace insulation with a more efficient choice.

7. Test Appliances

This is an important step when moving into a new home. Test every appliance to make sure it is working properly. Check for any leakage and look for any damage. If you see anything wrong, contact the repair team immediately and get it sorted out as soon as possible.

8. Create a Landscape Plan

Landscaping is not just decorative, but it also provides your home with shade, moisture and protection. When you’re developing a landscape plan, make sure to imagine possibilities of what the landscape could look like in the future. Consider the size of your plants and determine the best places to locate them.

9. Prepare a Budget

When you move into your new home, it is important to set up a budget plan, keeping in mind the estimated cost of all repairs, renovations, and maintenance. Doing so will also help you plan for annual expenses and taxes.

10. Get to Know Your Neighbors

A house is not just a house, but a community of people. Get to know your neighbors so that you can get help if needed. Communicate with your neighbors and just be friendly.

Final Thoughts

Your homeowner journey will appear to be a challenge at first, but it is highly rewarding. Going through each and every step will guarantee the safety and wellbeing of you, your family and your possessions. Start off on the right foot, and follow these steps upon moving in, to make sure you are starting out on the right path.