11 Foods That You Should Never Put In The Refrigerator

It may seem like an innocent thing to do, but storing certain foods in the refrigerator could actually lead to spoilage, less flavor and even food poisoning. Knowing which items can’t take the chill can save you headache and a trip to the store. Here’s a list of 11 foods you should never put in the refrigerator.

1. Melon

Melons are best stored at room temperature, as putting them in the refrigerator can actually dilute the flavor. As melons contain a lot of water, a cold atmosphere can cause them to drawn out moisture, leaving you with a dry and flavorless melon.

2. Onions

The porous texture of an onion actually make it a bad choice for refrigerator storage. Onions that are kept cold tend to rot quickly and absorb the odors of other food items in the fridge, leaving them with a gross flavor before you can enjoy them.

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are another example of a fruit that are best stored at room temperature. Refrigerating tomatoes can alter their texture and make them mealy, grainy and soft. You’ll get the best flavor out of tomatoes if you keep them away from the cold.

4. Bread

Bread that is placed in the refrigerator will actually cause it to harden and dry out more quickly than at room temperature. It’s best to wrap your bread in wax paper and store it in a sealed container at room temperature.

5. Potatoes

Potatoes have a tendency of sprouting in cold temperatures. They also absorb tastes and odors from the food around them, which could make them unappetizing when it’s time to cook. Storing potatoes in the pantry or in a paper bag will prevent them from going bad too soon.

6. Garlic

Garlic should not be placed in the refrigerator. Refrigerator temperatures rob garlic of flavor, leaving it tasting bland. Garlic should be stored at room temperature in a cool, dry place.

7. Bananas

Bananas should not be stored in the refrigerator. Cold temperatures can cause the skin to become black and spoil prematurely. To prolong the life of bananas, store them in a cool and dry place.

8. Avocados

Avocados turn brown quicker than other fruits, so they are best kept at room temperature. Refrigerator temperatures can make the flesh go bad faster, so you’ll get the most texture and flavor from ripe avocados when stored at room temperature.

9. Coffee

Coffee grinds should not be stored in the refrigerator because moisture and temperature can cause mold growth. Store coffee grinds in a sealed container at room temperature instead.

10. Honey

Honey is naturally hygroscopic, meaning it has the ability to draw out moisture, which can form a layer of mold. Cold temperatures can cause honey to crystallize, and puts it at risk for mold growth, so it’s best to store it in the pantry.

11. Condiments

Many condiments are best stored at room temperature in a dry place, away from direct sunlight. Refrigerating them can extend their shelf life and keep them safer for longer, but cold temperatures may actually reduce their flavor.

Final Thoughts

Knowing which food items should not be refrigerated is important for maintaining their flavor, texture and shelf life. Storing items like melons, onions, tomatoes and bread at room temperature can help protect their flavor, and storing potatoes and garlic in cooler, dryer places can help keep them from going bad.

The same goes for bananas, avocados, coffee, honey and condiments — if you keep these items away from cold temperatures and humidity, you can be sure that they will maintain their freshness and best taste.